'Leeds Acts Together' campaign launches
23rd June, 2021 - 17:47

A social media campaign has been launched by Leeds Climate Commission to promote climate action by local businesses and organisations.
The campaign, #LeedsActsTogether, is a response to one of the Leeds Climate Change Citizens' Jury's recommendations, as well as findings from the Commission's Climate Action Readiness Assessment, held with stakeholders last year.
It follows the themes of BBC Radio 5 Live's coverage of local climate action, called Leeds: City on a Mission, and will amplify the issues through a parallel but independent social media presence. The Commission's campaign will run for one week a month for a year, to coincide with 5 Live’s broadcasts.
The Climate Commission's #LeedsActsTogether campaign began 24-28 May and saw almost 40 tweets using the hashtag, shared from across 14 different accounts, including the Commission's (mainly Twitter, but also on Facebook). Our thanks to the following organisations for taking part: Sustainable Arts in Leeds (SAIL), Voluntary Action Leeds, Zero Carbon Yorkshire, Good Will Studios, Place-based Climate Action Network, iCASP, Roundhay Environmental Action Project, Connect Housing, University of Leeds, Leeds City Council, Zero Waste Leeds, Northern Flags and the Human Aquarium.
We also saw our graphics getting used, which were kindly produced for us by Will Saunders of Good Will Studios.
The campaign has been co-created by a collective of communications professionals from organisations across Leeds that are all giving their time voluntarily.
Food theme for July campaign
The next campaign will kick off in the week commencing 12 July, for which the theme will be food. Organisers of the Commission's campaign are hoping to double the number of Leeds organisations and businesses taking part.
"Even if your organisation does not directly work in food, we’ll be talking about lots of different related topics. Everyone has to eat - so there will be lots of opportunities to join in the discussion and promote what your organisation is doing in that area," said Kate Lock, Chair of the Commission's Engagement and Communications Panel, which is leading on the campaign.
"We're starting small but there's huge potential to grow this campaign across the year and we'd really like to see all organisations and businesses in Leeds getting involved. The UK is in the build up to COP26 and the BBC has put a national spotlight on Leeds, so let's show people across the city - and across the country - what we're made of!"
Sign up for updates
Thirty organisations and businesses have already signed up to receive campaign updates, which includes information on the monthly campaigns, suggested social media templates for posts, and a free social media graphic. Further news about the July campaign will be issued soon - so sign up here to make sure your organisation receives it and can plan its participation in advance.
For more information on #LeedsActsTogether, go to: https://leedsclimate.org.uk/leeds-acts-together