Working together to tackle climate change

Child Friendly Leeds would like to invite you to its third ambassador webinar on Tuesday 26th January 2021.
Leeds City Council voted to declare a climate emergency in 2019 and set an ambitious target for the city as a whole to become carbon-neutral by 2030. At the webinar, Child Friendly Leeds will bring colleagues together to hear key updates on progress from its leadership, find out more about what children and young people have to say about climate change and explore how Leeds as a city can work together to help tackle the climate emergency.
As an ambassador, this webinar will provide you with the opportunity to..
• Learn more about the climate priorities of children and young people in Leeds and work taking place in school
• Find out more about the council’s climate emergency plans from senior leaders and elected members
• Explore different ways your organisation can take action and work in partnership to make a difference e.g. tree planting
• Share examples from your own organisation and learn from other ambassadors about actions / future plans to tackle climate change
• Reconnect or make new connections with ambassador organisations and colleagues from Leeds City Council
Zoom details will be shared prior to the event.
Go to the Eventbrite page for agenda and to register to attend