Culture + Climate + Collaboration

This event will explore how collaboration has been adopted tactically and creatively as a means of responding to the climate change crisis.
What powerful actions and innovative solutions can partnerships achieve? What sort of collaborations will propel the cultural shift needed to achieve a zero carbon future? What are the models for embedding artistic enquiry within climate change research? How can a collective response yield greater environmental impact? Across the day we will explore how collaboration can be used as a key strategic tool.
Michelle Dickson, Director of Strategy at Arts Council England
Simon Curtis, Head of Production, Royal Exchange Theatre, Manchester & founding member of the Manchester Arts Sustainability Team (MAST)
Anna Santomauro, Programme Curator, Arts Catalyst & Megan Clinch, anthropologist and lecturer at Queen Mary, Queen Mary University of London
Jamie Saye, Senior Technician, Opera North and founding member of Sustainable Arts in Leeds
Our afternoon session will be delivered in collaboration with the Priestley International Centre for Climate, University of Leeds, led by Clare Martynski, Communication and Engagement Officer at the Centre. The Priestley Centre is an interdisciplinary research centre bringing together expertise from across the University – from atmospheric chemistry to mediaeval history, transport studies to food science – to deliver research that underpins robust and timely climate solutions. This session will be in an ‘open space’ format. We invite delegates to pitch a discussion topic that explores the role of collaboration as a vehicle for climate change research, artistic enquiry, action, public and cultural programmes; considering the questions most pertinent to you and your organisation.
Full price £35 – with the option to bring a free +1 who is a student, student placement, intern, freelance practitioner, on benefits or unwaged (spaces limited; apply here for a free plus one place)
Concession rate £15 (available to delegates who are a student, student placement, intern, freelance practitioner, on benefits or unwaged).
Book here:
About Culture Forum North
Culture Forum North is based with the Cultural Institute at the University of Leeds. It is a growing network (500+) focussed upon partnership and collaboration across the creative, cultural and education sectors. We work with our members to provide a definitive voice for the value of partnerships. Our ambition is to provide a dynamic platform through which we can share knowledge, champion excellence and develop opportunities to do more and better together.