Leeds Citizens' Jury selected to debate climate emergency
4th September, 2019 - 16:51

A Citizens’ Jury to discuss Leeds’ response to the climate emergency is being put together by Leeds Climate Commission working with Shared Future CIC.
Letters were sent by the Sortition Foundation to 4000 households across Leeds using random stratified sampling of addresses from the Royal Mail’s database. Responses were received from 122 people.
Twenty-five people have been selected to take part, based on a jury profile agreed by the Citizens’ Jury Oversight Panel. Jurors were contacted individually by telephone to confirm their interest in taking part.
Those who were unsuccessful are being kept on a waiting list in case any jurors drop out.
Jurors will be asked to address the question, “What should Leeds do about the emergency of climate change?” and produce written recommendations in their own words.
The first session of the Leeds Climate Change Citizens’ Jury will commence on 12 September and will be followed by seven further evening sessions, finishing with one day-long session on 3 November. Jurors will receive £250-worth of High Street vouchers in recognition of their commitment.
The sessions will include presentations by expert commentators, selected by the Oversight Panel, which jurors will be able to question using a trained facilitator. The Commission also plans to use the commentators’ presentations more widely, using social media and other channels to engage people across Leeds in a city-wide debate.
The Citizens’ Jury’s recommendations will guide the future work of the Leeds Climate Commission and will be presented to the Climate Emergency Advisory Committee of Leeds City Council as well as a range of organisations across the city.
For more information, see our Frequently Asked Questions.
Image: Shared Future