Go green for Clean Air Day
14th June, 2018 - 17:04

With Clean Air Day 2018 coming up on 21 June, people in Leeds are being urged to "Breathe Clean by Going Green" by wearing green and getting around the city by bus, train, bike or by walking to show their support to reduce pollution in Leeds.
"Go Green" stations will be showing up at venues in Leeds including Merrion House, Civic Hall, St Georges House, Enterprise House and TechNorth, where you can pledge your support, take a photo with your pledge and help spread the word on social media.
The Clean Air Leeds team will be in City Square and Briggate in Leeds on National Clean Air Day, where they will be happy to chat to businesses and individuals about how they can play their part in reducing pollution in the city.
Clean Air Leeds s also promoting a 5 Mile Challenge (#5MileLeeds) encouraging people to swap car journeys for more sustainable modes of transport for at least a five mile stretch of their journey on Clean Air Day.
Those who don’t work near a "Go Green" station can submit their pledge with your name and method of travel to cleanairleeds@leeds.gov.uk. Winners will be announced week commencing 25 June.
Clean Air Day on 21 June is a chance to find out more about air pollution, share information with friends and colleagues and take action. There are different ways to get involved and a range of free resources including toolkits for schools, workplaces, communities, youth groups and more on the Clean Air Day website which also has facts and tips on reducting air pollution outside and inside the home as well as FAQs on air pollution and health and how air pollution affects children.
A social media campaign is also available for download via the website, encouraging the use of #CleanAirDay on Twitter and inviting people to join the Clean Air Day event on Facebook.
For information about how Leeds is addressing the problem of air pollution in the city, the Clean Air Leeds website has information on how individuals can get involved, what Leeds City Council is doing, the Clean Air Zone, mythbusters and news. Follow Clean Air Leeds on Twitter @CleanAirLeedsCC and on Facebook.