Knowing your organisation’s level of CO2 emissions and having a measurable and deliverable strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions will enable your organisation to save money, comply with environmental regulations and improve its green credentials. The guides and templates on this page are designed to support your organisation measure its emissions and implement a carbon management plan.

Measuring Emissions

Knowing how much CO2 your organisation emits is an essential first-step in delivering projects aimed at reducing your carbon footprint. Use the guides and tools below to help do this:

Small Business Guide to Measuring and Reporting GHG Emissions

Carbon Footprinting Guide

Simple Carbon Calculator Tool

Energy Management Self-Assessment Tool


Carbon Management Planning

The resources in this section will enable you to create a well-defined and achievable plan which contains the strategy and actions your organisation will take to reduce its carbon footprint.

A Handbook to Internal GHG Reduction Targets and Plans


The following templates are aimed at the public sector but private sector organisations can still use the content as a guide for their own plan:

Carbon Management Plan (Short)

Carbon Management Plan (Long)

Carbon Management Plan Diagnoses Tool

An example plan can be found here.


Other useful guides:

Defra Environmental Reporting Guidelines

Greenhouse Gas Conversion Factors 2017


Image credit: Veeterzy, Unsplash