Volunteers wanted for Leeds tree survey
13th July, 2018 - 11:58

Volunteers are needed for a large scale survey of trees across the Middleton and Belle Isle regions Leeds being conducted over the summer.
The i-Tree Leeds project is exploring the value of trees in Leeds and the information collected will be used to support the preservation and creation of green space and woodland across the city
Urban green spaces such as gardens, parks and woodlands provide many benefits to people and vital habitats for wildlife. Trees store carbon, helping to prevent climate change, and remove pollution from the air. Green spaces also reduce flood risk, limit the impact of heatwaves, encourage people to exercise, and reduce depression. Read more about the benefits of green spaces here.
The volunteers are needed to help collect information about the species, size, shape and location of the trees. No previous experience is needed and free training will be given.
The project is led by the United Bank of Carbon in collaboration Leeds City Council, the University of Leeds, The Woodland Trust, Treeconomics and Forest Research.
“If you have any sort of interest in trees, it will not escape your attention that they are under threat, and increasingly in the public limelight. The nation is voicing its concern – especially in urban environments across the UK, ” said Joseph Coles, Street Trees Project Lead for the Woodland Trust.
The i-Tree Leeds project aims to provide evidence that can be used to support the preservation and creation of green space and woodland in Leeds. Last summer saw a team of volunteer staff and students survey over 800 trees on the University of Leeds campus, identifying more than 100 different species! The campus trees are estimated to store over 300 tonnes of carbon (which is over 1000 tonnes of carbon dioxide), and remove around 11 tonnes of carbon (40 tonnes of carbon dioxide) from the air every year.
Joseph adds, “i-Tree Leeds is a perfect example of a strong local partnership working hard to calculate the value of trees; measuring their benefits at a community scale, aiming to build a broader picture of their contribution to the environment, and securing their place in a sustainable city of the future. The Woodland Trust’s Street Tree project is pleased to support this positive initiative – such amazing work needs the recognition it deserves.”
Sign up here to help survey the trees in Middleton during July and August 2018 (click the 'Next' button at the bottom of the page). There is a training day on 11 August.
If you have any questions you can contact the project team at: itreeleeds@unitedbankofcarbon.com