PCAN Fund reopens for place-based climate action projects and new Fellowships
12th May, 2020 - 19:11

Round 2 of the popular PCAN Fund is now open for place-based propject proposals that develop ideas and approaches with wider relevance to the delivery of local climate action plans.
The Fund is designed to support projects that promote and increase understanding of place-based climate action in the UK. It takes the form of small grants worth £5,000 – £35,000 each, from a total funding pot of £125,000 (for this round). Four to six awards are likely to be made but the actual funding envelope, and the number of awards, could be higher or lower depending on the quality of proposals received.
This round sees the introduction of a new element to the Fund: the PCAN Fellowships. These are for early career researchers and one or two awards out of the total are likely to take the form of a Fellowship. PCAN Fellows will remain in their existing institution, but will have up to two days a week to undertake place-based research or engagement activities. Fellows will also become an active member of the PCAN team.
We are interested in diverse and innovative proposals spanning different activities and disciplines that support the design and delivery of local climate action in the UK. While projects can focus on a specific location they must inform or advance understanding on the development of policy and practice across the UK.
There are four areas that we are especially keen to see addressed:
- The interface between local climate action and economic regeneration in terms of communities, investment and skills (e.g., recovery from deindustrialisation, conflict, Covid-19)
- New business and community engagement models for climate resilience and adaptation at the local level
- Place-based climate action in rural areas, covering aspects such as rural housing, rural transport, rural communities and the rural economy
- Approaches to climate action in the context of multi-level governance, for example at the local and regional scales.
Applications are invited from practitioners (policy makers, businesses, NGOs etc) and academic researchers. We particularly encourage applications that are co-produced by researchers and research users.
The two-stage application process kicks off with a short expression of interest form, which must be received by 26 May. Go to PCAN Fund Round 2: Call for Proposals 2020 for further details and to apply.