Leeds can become a carbon neutral city, according to new roadmap report

10th April, 2019 - 22:07


Leeds can become a carbon neutral city by 2050 - and could potentially achieve the 2030 target in the climate emergency motion passed by councillors on 27 March - according to a new “carbon roadmap” report published by Leeds Climate Commission.

Leeds votes to declare a climate emergency

3rd April, 2019 - 13:21

Leeds City Council has passed a Motion to declare a climate emergency in the city.

The majority vote, for a White Paper Motion presented by Council Leader, Cllr Judith Blake, was passed at a full Council meeting on 27 March 2019.

The resolution included working to make Leeds carbon neutral by 2030. 

Green finance summit aims to unlock £2Bn of clean local energy projects

31st January, 2019 - 00:35


Leading Green Finance experts and investors are set to meet with some of the UK’s largest companies and town hall bosses from across the country to discuss how together they can unlock at least £2bn of clean, local energy projects.

The future of Green Finance in the UK will be in focus at a conference on Thursday (January 31) where more than 100 attendees will share expertise on how these projects could cut carbon emissions in hundreds of our towns and cities.

New £3.5m research network to support UK transition to a low-carbon economy

29th January, 2019 - 19:12

The Minister for Energy and Clean Growth, Claire Perry, will today (31 January 2019) launch an initiative to create a network of new and extended city climate commissions in Edinburgh, Belfast and Leeds. The project aims to help the UK meet the requirements of the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change and the UK Climate Change Act by building local capacities and stimulating the flow of green finance into cities across the UK.

Leeds Clean Air Charging Zone plans approved by government

25th January, 2019 - 17:40

Leeds City Council have been given final approval and more than £29 million in funding from the government to implement a Clean Air Charging Zone in the city and support businesses affected. The Clean Air Charging Zone will reduce air pollution in Leeds by encouraging businesses to transition to cleaner, less polluting vehicles that are not subject to charges for driving within the zone boundary. It is set to go live from the 6th January 2020.

Cities could play key role in pollinator conservation

25th January, 2019 - 17:12

Cities could play an important role in conserving pollinators, according to a new study.  The research, involving scientists at the University of Leeds, has revealed that urban gardens and allotments are good for pollinators, and lavender and borage are important garden plants that pollinators use as food sources.

Flood risk management plan for Leeds considered

6th January, 2019 - 23:47

Leeds City Council's executive board has given approval for an updated Local Flood Risk Management Strategy for the city as the third anniversary of Storm Eva passes. Work being carried out and planned to reduce the threat posed by flooding across Leeds will now go out for consultation

Leeds businesses to get practical support to develop and secure funding for low carbon projects

6th January, 2019 - 19:33

Businesses in Leeds are being supported to go low carbon through a series of workshops to develop and finance new projects. The capacity building workshops will be introduced at a Board Level Briefing on 29 January at Merrion House in Leeds. The briefing, which is for decision makers with responsibility for medium sized companies, will explain how low-carbon projects can be profitable and give examples of businesses that have already benefitted. 

Unlocking low carbon potential in Leeds

10th December, 2018 - 13:40

A national focus for green finance, linking businesses and organisations across sectors, driving evidence-based engagement and making Leeds the leading city in the north for Green Great Britain Week … Leeds Climate Commission is demonstrating its ‘can do’ spirit  in its first full year.

Find out what the Commission has been doing in our Annual Report 2018.