Help us with our Leeds engagement and action survey!
3rd January, 2018 - 11:13

How does your organisation engage with people to reduce carbon emissions - and what are the main barriers to engagement? Leeds Climate Commission has developed an online survey to audit existing communication and engagement activity across the city to find out what low carbon measures organisations have already been undertaken or are planned.
The results will feed into the audit of existing engagement activity from our first Climate Forum event and link to a review of best practice in engagement, as well as the Leeds Mini-Stern consultation process.
The short survey, which takes around five minutes to complete, was created by Andrew Jones, a BSc Geography undergraduate at the University of Leeds on placement with the Commission. Your participation will help to inform and improve the work of Leeds Climate Commission and strengthen networks across the city. The survey can be found here.
The deadline for completion is Friday 11 January 2018. If you have any queries about the survey, please email Andrew Jones.
Thank you for taking part!