See the home of the future being made

On Thursday 22nd March between 12pm – 8pm Citu is opening its doors and letting the public into Citu Works to see the Citu Home being made. Visitors will be guided through the process using virtual reality to see how sustainability and design are incorporated
The event takes place in an igloo with free food, drink and music to celebrate that the UK's largest sustainable development is now underway. An igloo was chosen as a pop-up home as they are the most sustainable buildings say Citu, "So it kind of makes sense!"
Visitors will be able to:
• View each of the house types in a virtual reality experience
• Tour the factory to see first-hand how the Citu Home is made
• Meet the Citu Team and ask them questions
• View the site where the Climate Innovation District will take shape.
If you are interested in attending and finding out how a Citu Home can help reduce your carbon footprint and live a more sustainable lifestyle, RSVP to at
Main image shows how the Climate Innovation District will look when it is finally completed