Preparing Leeds' creative sector for net-zero carbon

How ready is the Leeds creative and cultural sector for net zero carbon, and how do we start taking action?
Take your first steps towards net zero emissions by 2030 at our interactive workshop.
The Climate Action Readiness Assessment (CARA) developed by the Leeds Climate Commission attempts to find out just how ready the city is for net zero carbon and where the blockages are to further action. This is with a view to developing a roadmap, and understanding the actions required in order to achieve the city's ambition of net zero emissions by 2030.
Sustainable Arts in Leeds (SAIL) are looking to establish how ready the Leeds creative and cultural sector is for net zero, and understand what is stopping us being able to deliver a net zero carbon future.
In this first interactive workshop, we will be getting to know the CARA framework and will begin to conduct our own readiness assessment for the creative and cultural sector, covering:
- Technical readiness (does the technology exist? Can we easily access it?)
- Policy readiness (are the policies in place which help us to deliver net zero?)
- Financial readiness (is the money available or is it easily accessible?)
- Community readiness (are our audiences supporting us? Are we spreading the message well enough?)
- Delivery readiness (are we actually ready to deliver a net zero future?)
You will be in breakout rooms with individuals and organisations from a similar sector to yourself, and a host who will understand the CARA framework and can guide the conversation.
We would love to hear from practitioners across Leeds’ creative and cultural industries, whether you are an individual working for an organisation, a freelancer or a student and especially if you haven’t engaged with SAIL before.
This is the first of a series of workshops and we hope will be the catalyst to kicking off coordinated climate action across the creative and cultural landscape of the city. We would love for you to be a part of the conversation.
Register to attend:
If you have any questions about this workshop or the CARA process, please contact us on