Ann Pettifor: Liberty Lecture - The Green New Deal

To protect the future of life on earth, we need to do more than just reimagine the economy – we have to change everything.
One of the seminal thinkers of the program that helped ignite the US Green New Deal campaign, Ann Pettifor explains how we can afford what we can do, and what we need to do, before it is too late. This is a radical, urgent manifesto that we must act on now.
Ann Pettifor is the Director of Prime (Policy Research in Macroeconomics), an Honorary Research Fellow at City University, and a Fellow of the New Economics Foundation. She has an honorary doctorate from Newcastle University. She is known for her leadership of the Jubilee 2000 campaign, which resulted in massive debt cancellation for more than thirty countries.
She has served on the board of the UN Development Report and in 2015 was invited onto the economic advisory board of the British Labour Party by Jeremy Corbyn. She is the author of several books including The Case for the Green New Deal, The Production of Money and The Coming First World Debt Crisis.
In association with DARE (Opera North/University of Leeds). This event is part of Leeds LIt Fest
Tickets £8