Sustainability Service, University of Leeds
Fume Cupboard Efficiencies
Since adopting the 2011 Carbon Management Plan, which aims to reduce waste, water and carbon emissions 35% by 2020, the University of Leeds has invested heavily into upgrading, monitoring and targeting systems to help quantify and demonstrate reductions across campus.
The Chemistry Building is equipped with five laboratory extract systems which have now been upgraded to VAV extraction systems. Commissioned by the University of Leeds, CCP implemented variable air volume (VAV) laboratory extract systems to replace previous systems operating on a constant air volume (CAV) extraction in the laboratories. These extraction fans operate for 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The savings where accomplished through the use of bleed dampers to make up the additional volumetric flow rate between the building load and the extract load.
All extract fan systems are now safely operating at less than 100% of design flow at all times. CPP’s wind tunnel extract dispersion modelling of the Chemistry Building and nearby surrounding buildings has demonstrated that the reduced volume flow rates and exit velocities implemented through this project are safe for both the occupants of the Chemistry Building as well as those in or around nearby surrounding buildings.
Compared to 2015, the monthly energy use has decreased by 48,915.57 kWh, with an annual saving of 586,986.86 kWh. This reduction in energy has resulted in an annual cost saving of £43,672 and 242 tonnes of carbon.
Image shows Chemistry's wind tunnel extraction dispersion model